The Monetary System in its simplest terms is money for labour, and goods and services rendered. We revolve around this simple transaction everyday. Not knowing the inherent dept that we incur while performing it. I won’t bore you with the explanation of how money is created, but in general terms: Government need money so they issue bond for the amount needed to Central banks or the US Federal Reserve. The Central bank buys them and then prints money to be given to the Government. Once received, the Government would then deposit the money into their banks and thus becoming legal tender. Now this is an overly simplistic depiction of money creation for which in reality nothing physical is exchange, only digitally. However in our country’s case it differs slightly, it would be our financial institution who issues the money, but nonetheless the concept is the same.
But the danger with this system is that it has what’s called, inflation; $1.00 in the 1913 would cost $21.60 now, that’s a 96% devaluation since then. Of course any form 1 student studying economics would know this, but have anyone ever questioned it? Inflation is actually interest. Interest that’s owed back to the financial institution.
Due to inflation the Government will never repay the money it owes because in order to repay it, more money is needed therefore more dept, increasing with it the inflation. It’s a never ending circle of loans and dept repayments.
“If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.” - Marriner Eccies
The same thing happens to an individual. The money you have is virtually owed to someone, somewhere. You in turn have to continue working to pay for it. Meaning, even if you don’t take out a personal loan per se, you would still need to work to receive money. Once you have money you can then pay for the goods and services offered by both the private and public sector. If you indeed you take out a loan, you then have to be content with your meaningless job in order to repay it. Either way, working for money is inevitable.
Private British and American banking interests, stated: “…slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan… Is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages.”- Peter Joseph.
In other words, physical slavery requires people to be housed and fed while economic slavery requires people to feed and house themselves. This is a most ingenious plan to ever be conceived and the heart of it is an invisible war against the population. Debt is the weapon of choice use to conquer and enslave societies, with interest being its main ammunition.
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt” - John Adams, 1735-1826
Also inherent in this Monetary System is Corruption. When some company dumps toxic waste into the environment, we automatically consider it as corrupt behavior. But when let say Hua Ho moves in next door to a convenient store therefore forcing the store to close down due to lack of business, a gray area emerge, for what exactly is Hua Ho doing wrong? Even more subtle is the replacement of a person by some automation, we simply see this as progression or improvement rather than what’s motivating it – Profit; faster creation, faster sales, lower cost = higher profit. We don’t see the inherent corrupt inhumanity of such action for which the motives are the same – profit.
What exactly drives this Monetary-Profit based system? Some have argued the notion of efficiency and sustainability is what drives it. Is it? No product created in this system have ever been efficient or sustainable, otherwise there wouldn’t be a multi-million dollar service industry for automobiles. Or the electronic consumer products that will be obsolete within 6 months with an average life span of 2 years. Surely it’s not efficiency or sustainability. So is it abundance? Not according to the laws of supply and demand where abundance is a negative thing. For abundance will devalue the products like gold, diamonds, oil, gas, timber, exotic goods and animals, and others. So in actual fact, efficiency, sustainability and abundance are enemies of profit. Scarcity is what drives it.
In our country the system of money or monetary system is fundamentally as the same the world over. With this system we can never truly trust anyone as people are always looking to make more money to cover dept or/and make profit. In a world where 34,000 children die every single day from poverty and preventable diseases, and, where 50% of the world’s population lives on less than 2 dollars a day… One thing is clear. Something is very wrong. And, whether we are aware of it or not, the lifeblood of all of our established institutions, and thus society itself, is money. Corruption is also apparent and with 1% of the world’s population owns 40% of the wealth; they are the true rulers of us all.
Jacque Fresco said:
“The major difference between a resource based economy and a monetary system is that a resource based economy is really concerned with people and their well-being, where the monetary system has become so distorted that the concerns of the people are really secondary, if they’re there at all. The products that are turned out are for: How much money you can get. If there is a problem in society, and you can’t earn money from that solving that problem, than it won’t be done.
The resource based economy is really not close to anything that’s been tried. And with all our technology today we can create abundance. It could be used to improve everyone’s lifestyle. Abundance all over the world if we use our technology wisely and maintain the environment.”
(Article abstracted and paraphrased from the Zeitgeist: Addendum documentary available on YouTube, Google video, bit-torrent and can be ordered from their website:
Note: I don’t want to sound like a 1st year grad regurgitating works of others without having my own thoughts thus sounding unoriginal. But I like this theory, it sheds some light in an otherwise darkening world where power, greed, corruption and profit drives every facet of human behavior. The Venus project proposal although far fetch and sounds a little bit too good to be true, should nevertheless be considered and studied further. Areas of entertainment, sports, excitement, and others haven’t been fully explained. The notion of incentives though available in their proposal, still lacks the fundamental mechanism that drives us on to live our lives. Maybe that’s because we are so accustomed to our way of living that the thought of not doing something not even remotely similar to what we are doing now, is somewhat inconceivable and scary. But I for one am open to a new change, cause change for the better, is better than our monotonous numb existence and apparently futile lives we live. Human well-being and human decency is forgone for the sake of profiteering and where civil liberty is truly lost.
1 comment:
An eye opener article.
Was surprised to see no comment in last 9 months or so.
Surely, the world is fast asleep, or rather I should say, the slaves are fast asleep.
Although, there are problems in the current monetary system, the system itself is vast and huge for any individual or even a section of a society to change it. And also, if there is no alternate system available, created and accepted there is no way to get rid of the current one, no matter how it is.
Yes, a revolution is needed for sure. But just a fanatic revolution won't do, it needs to be a smart one, very intelligent one, very sophisticated that the system can be changed without anyone feeling the change.
As we all have been dragged into the current system, the same way we need to get out of it for the new universal and holistic system to prevail.
Appreciate your efforts to enlighten the world!
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