This post does not concern only our country but the world in general. What I’m saying that this is not the final solution to solve our current dilemma but it sure looks like a better one. Maybe we could consider it before dismissing it as new age ludicrous theory or a new form of communism; think critically and analyze.
The monetary system we live in at the moment was a great idea some thirty or fifty years ago. But now it’s becoming unsustainable. Crime, greed, poverty, terrorism are all product of this system.
The problem with the current monetary system is we continuously have to look and make profit at the expense of human wellbeing, if it was even considered in the first place.
Technology is the key. It is the one thing that changed and improved our lives, not money or politicians. Technology is the one that can make someone see again, able to communicate over long distance, feed the world, house everyone not politicians; they are not trained to do so. Politicians can only pass laws and create policy. How to feed the world? How to get rid of poverty? How to house people? How to have sustainable clean energy? Are all technical problems and therefore need technical solutions not political.
If we pose those questions to a politician, he/she would say how much would it cost? The real question should be do we have the resources? And yes we do. But in monetary system we don’t because we need profit and resources are valued by its scarcity. Oil production is cut to drive the prices high, diamonds are burned to maintain its value, gold is less and less mined, all these in order to maintain the status-quo.
There so many renewable source of clean energy out there and we not using it. Solar, wind, waves, and perpetual motion are all viable source of clean energy. But there is also one energy source that trumps them all and that is Geothermal Energy. Scientist says that there is currently 20,000zl of energy available and with improved technology we can now tap about 2,000zl. To put that into prospective, the entire world’s energy consumption is only 0.5zl; we probably don’t need burn anymore fossil fuel for the rest of our lives. These clean energy sources also don’t need prerequisite energy source to extract them. Unlike crude oil, gas or cold; it’s already there to be tapped into.
We have the technology now to take advantage of these resources if it weren’t for corrupt governments and big industries lobbyist suppressing it. All they do is corrupt the system for profit; therefore a new Resource Based Economy is ideal for our today’s society where we can achieve equilibrium between technology, humans, and nature (Read: Venus Project).
We will then look back at our current system in the future and laugh at how primitive we really were.
(Points taken and paraphrase from Zeitgeist: Addendum documentary available on YouTube, Google video, bit-torrent and can be ordered from their website:
Note: I’m not advocating it, I’m merely rising awareness of it viability. We need further research. Like Jacque Fresco said “It’s not perfect but its just better”.
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