As pointed out before, money is the root of all social ills; the fundamental driving force for greed, corruption, crime and self-preservation all in the name of profit. Money is not a resource nor does it represent one. We have been conditioned to accept it as such and therefore blinded for what it actually is; a tool of control, enslaving society with dept.
But who is in control of all this money? You, me, the government? Nay, for the true identity that enslaves us all are the 1% of the world population that has 40% of the world’s entire wealth. Keeping the status quo, self-preservation and increasing their profit is their only agenda. The people that represent the multinational corporations that serves only their self interest where the main motive like any other business is to make profit. As you can see, if profit is what drives them, then how can they truly act morally and ethically, for these two, more often than enough, will act as a hindrance to profit.
Case in point, a drug company in the US positively absolutely knew they had a medication that was infected with the AIDS virus, and subsequently took it off the US shelf. However, they decided to dump it in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Both the US government and the FDA allowed it to happen resulting in thousand of hemophiliacs dying from the AIDS virus, all because the company wanted to turn their mistake into profit.
“You get up on your little 21 inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America, there is no democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbine, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.What do you think the Russians talk about in their counsels of state- Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, min and max solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments just like we do. We no longer live in a world of Nations and Ideologies, Mr. Biel. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business Mr. Biel.” - Character Arthur Jensen from the movie Network
The world is run by a hand-full of big business, controlling and determining what we need and want, how to behave, how we live our lives. Consequently, any individual or groups that challenge their superiority are deemed to be “Terrorist”. By the way ‘Al-Qaida’ is actually a name of a computer database of the U.S.-supported Mujahedeen in the 1980’s. A database.
These corporations will do anything to exert dominance to societies even withholding new technology that may improve our energy needs because they haven’t thought of a way of making profit out of them. Alternative energy solutions advocated by them, such as hydrogen, biomass and even nuclear are not sufficient, dangerous and exist only to perpetuate the profit-structure that the industry has created.
In fact beyond the propaganda and self-serving solutions put forth by these companies we will find other source of clean abundant and renewable energy for generating power, if it weren’t suppressed. For example solar derived from the sun has such abundance that one hour of sunlight at high noon contains more energy than what the entire world consumes in a year. If we could harness just 0.01% of this we would never need to use oil, gas or anything else.
Wind power on the other hand has long been condemned as weak and location driven therefore impractical. However, the US department of energy admitted in 2007 that if wind harvested is just three of the America’s 50 states, could power the entire nation.
The mediums of tidal and wave power is relatively unknown. Turbines installed in the ocean could capture movements of tidal shifts that could generate power. In UK, 42 sites have been noted to be viable and 34% of the UK’s energy could come from this medium alone.
Wave energy is produce from the surface motions of the oceans which is estimated to have a global potential of up to 80,000 terawatts-hours a year. That could be translated into 50% of the entire planets energy consumptions.
It’s important to note that tidal, wave, solar and wind don’t need prerequisite energy to harness, unlike coal, oil, gas, biomass, and hydrogen. The combination of these 4 mediums could potentially power the world forever.
However there is one clean renewable energy source that trumps all of them: Geothermal Power.
Geothermal energy employ the use of what’s called “heat mining”, and together with a simple process using water, is able to generate huge amounts of clean energy. In 2006, MIT reported that there is currently about 13,000 zettajoule of energy available in the earth with possibly 2,000 zettajoule being easily tapable with improved technology. To put that into perspective, the entire consumption of all the countries in the world is only about 0.5 zettajoule per year. Only half a zettajoule. That means about 4,000 years of planetary power could be harnesses from this medium alone. And when we understand that the earth’s heat generation is constantly renewed, this energy is really limitless therefore could be used forever.
In fact, between advanced battery storage, and geothermal energy; there would be no reason to ever burn fossil fuels ever again. And we could do this now, if we were not held back by the paralyzing profit structure.
(Article abstracted and paraphrased from the Zeitgeist: Addendum documentary available on YouTube, Google video, bit-torrent and can be ordered from their website:
1 comment:
Read that verse in The Bible again, bud
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
Nothing in The Bible says money or a ton of money is sinful it's merely if your greedy that creates all kinds of evil.
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