Saturday, August 29, 2009

Breaking Fast

As a follow up, I decided to sedekah food and drinks to the family with son suffering from Polio. They were certainly happy to see me. Or maybe it was the food I brought that made them happy. In any case the joy was certainly there. I was also happy that the mother was wearing one of the shirt I donated. It fitted her pretty well. The shirt is new, never been worn. It looked good on her.

The son, Said, was on her arm. I introduces myself but she recognized me immediately. I told her I would like to sedekah these food for them to break their fast. She was delighted. The meeting was quick, we exchange pleasantry and then I was off. Afterward I was smiling all night. Whatever problems and turmoils I'm currently going through was nothing compare to theirs. Constantly trying to find food to feed the family and not knowing where the meal is coming from. This is a basic necessity.

Tonight my family will be hold a bertahlil for my late father. Told my family that I would like to pay for everything. I also told my sister to put aside some food as I would like to donate to another family living in poverty. She said she'll be tagging along this time.

The experience of giving to strangers, even though I've meet them before this, was satisfying. Though I know its not enough nor is it productive. I know they need to find away to get themself out of poverty and into a sustainable income. But at the moment I know they need it and I certainly have a lot of it, so why not give some away. This family I'm visiting tonight is also the family whose father I'll be giving a computer and printer. This is one of his wishes. He is a writer and he sells scripts, poems and other publication to RTB, Dewan Bahasa, and Production houses. He said if he has a computer then he is able to write more therefore able to earn more.

I've been lucky all my life, bless with the good parents and great siblings. I'm certainly grateful. These families are not so unfortunate. Life dealt them a lousy card. Though we sometime feel like we are dealt with the same card, but when compared ours is still a jack.

So please, in this approaching festive month, do remember that there are good people who need our helping hand. And they are certainly are good people with good hearts and good intention but with lousy circumstances. Face it, it could've been anyone of us... and it still can be if we are not careful.

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