Friday, August 14, 2009

Only at the precipice

Santosh recently commented on my one of post (see: Modern Money Mechanics or Modern Day Slavery). I’m very happy that I open someone’s eye and made aware. This is my intention to change one mind at a time, to wake people up. I thank you for your support and remarks. I wanted to comment back but decided to reply here.

In my other recent post (see: The future by design), I pointed that there are basically 2 ways to achieve this dream. To have a Resource Based Economy, we would need either a mass conversion or by force. We don’t want the latter. Violence is not the answer. It never is. But the system is the only workable solution we have. All the other systems; Market, Mixed, Communism will and has fail. Communism failure is well documented and Market economy is now on the brink of collapse. Additionally they all have one thing in common; Money. In a Resource Based Economy, money is obsolete. And any job that have anything to do with money; Accountants, Bankers, Stock Brokers, will also be obsolete. We are condition to think money is a resource. But it’s not, money DOESN’T make a car run, money DOESN’T make someone’s eyes see again, money DOESN’T make a bulb light up. This is all technological problems and was solve by technology, NOT money. It’s just unfortunate that money is in the current system. But we also inherit the various fault that comes with this monitory system; greed, profiteering, crime, poverty. When money is obsolete, poverty would cease to exist. Can you see the logic?

I’ve been able to bring this matter up into many of my conversion. Making people aware of such system. But whenever I mention it, it has two reactions; like it or hate it. Those that like usually consist of people who have a certain feelings all their lives that something is totally wrong, something is missing. But they don’t know what it is. They also are people who want to make changes, make a difference. They accept it and see the validity in the idea. Then there are those who oppose it. This people are usually materialistic, have money and are only interested in self preservation. Don’t get me wrong, they are not bad people but just like things the way it is. Usually it’s because they have it good in life. But I have it good in life and have been pretty lucky so far. But I can’t help but feel that there is a void in my life and money cannot fill it. I don’t know if others understand me but there is something that is totally wrong with the way to live, the way we interact, and the way go about our business. Its feels unnatural to me, don’t you people feel it too? And I’m NOT talking about the Matrix type thing.

The Resource Based Economy is not perfect by any means. But what it is is better. It’s better than the current one we have. In my opinion, way-way better. Poverty will be non existence for one and we will live in equilibrium with our environment, nature and animals.

I was once asked which I would rather help, animals or people? The person said animals because animals only receive kindness and people have minds that can help them. I of course said people. Because when you try to save animal, who are you saving them from?... People. And who is doing the savings?... People. The human race is the only species in this world that can truly make a difference. If we save the people i.e. embracing this Resource based Economy, we will inadvertently help the animals. And nature, and the world and therefore our future as a whole, the entire inhabitant of this world. Maybe things need to get worse, like really-really bad, and then maybe people would change. Only at the precipice.

Jacque said “It is not enough to criticize society without offering a workable alternative” and this is workable.

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